


Who would play you in a movie?
HL: Probably Thor.
JL: Zac Efron.
Last person who made you nervous?
HL: Young Asian girls texting while driving on the 91 Freeway.
JL: No one makes me nervous.
Favorite person in the pits?
HL: Have to give it up to the privateers. I respect their hustle and grind to show up at the races every weekend. Without them, we wouldn’t have a full gate!
JL: Jo Shimoda.
Thing you’re looking forward to most about 2020?
HL: Definitely the racing and doing a supercross season. Living in my new house is also going to be wicked.
JL: Kicking Hunter’s ass.
Most common part you break?
HL: After my collarbone performances this past year, I’d say collarbone.
JL: Girls’ hearts.
Worst part of being brothers?
HL: Normal brother dramas and crap.
JL: Seeing his face when I wake up in the morning.
Angriest you’ve ever gotten with each other on the track?
HL: When Jett would blow all the ruts out and just destroy lines. It makes me want to punch him in the face.
JL: We’re pretty chill when we’re on the track, but it’ll change.
Funniest memory of working with Ken Roczen’s dad, Heiko Klepka?
HL: We were making a smoothie and the blender broke, spilling all over the table. We drank it through straws off the table.
JL: His colorful English.
Least favorite competitor?
HL: The knucklehead who tries their absolute hardest to not let you past, then when you pass them, they’re spent and drop four more positions. You’re better off sacrificing one than losing five!
JL: Hunter.

There’s so much opportunity to make something of your life here and to make good money.” —HL
Most common thing your trainer gets mad at you for?
HL: We just started working with a trainer for the first time, so there isn’t really anything. But maybe Jett: he annoys our trainer just because he’s Jett and is so young mentally.
JL: Mentioning his daughter’s name.
Talent you wish you had?
HL: Hand-eye coordination.
JL: A brain.
If you could change one thing about your agent, what would it be?
HL: Nothing, he’s the best in the game.
JL: Him chewing tobacco and needing to stop every race on the way to the track.
Biggest difference between America and Australia?
HL: The opportunity. There’s so much opportunity to make something of your life here and to make good money. The sports are huge, and so is everything else, like the roads and buildings.
JL: The food.
Best place on Earth?
HL: The Sunshine Coast, Australia, and Switzerland.
JL: Australia.
Worst place on Earth?
HL: Holland or Belgium. Sorry, but the winters are miserable there.
JL: Cypress.
Worst crash?
HL: Probably back in Latvia in the GPs. Or Matterley Basin off the start, I got ran over by a few guys. That one tickled a bit.
JL: Cartwheel after high-side, fifth gear pinned on my 80.
Favorite store?
HL: Watch boutiques.
JL: Nike store.
Which one of you has better style on the bike?
HL: Ten thousand percent I do. He got whatever bit of style he has from me, so he can’t claim this one.
JL: Me.
Which one of you has better style off the bike?
HL: Jett used to have a lot more style, but I have come a long way. We are both probably pretty well dressed nowadays.
JL: Clearly me.

I’d spend it [$1,000] on donuts.” —JL
Favorite television show?
HL: National Geographic channels.
JL: Spongebob Squarepants.
Proudest moment?
HL: Probably winning Motocross des Nations in my first year.
JL: Winning the Assen round of EMX with a 1-1 at 15.
Childhood hero?
HL: Ryan Villopoto.
JL: Ryan Dungey.
If you found $1,000 on the street and had to spend it, what would you do with it?
HL: Probably invest it into something to try to make more, or get my girlfriend something. Or stuff for the new house.
JL: I’d spend it on donuts.
Best part of your job?
HL: Doing what I love for a living.
JL: Winning.
Worst part of your job?
HL: The extreme lows of this sport that we are so heavily invested in emotionally, physically, and financially. Those are the times that really make you question if it’s really what you want. I have had a lot of times like that.
JL: Eating roost.
Who has inspired you the most?
HL: Myself—what I have come from and how much progress I’ve made in such a short time compared to a lot of other guys. I’m a very hard worker, and I always put my best in, even when we’ve struggled to put food on the table in Europe. I always give my best and never give up or quit. I’m a fighter.
JL: Hunter.
Who’s in your regular crew?
HL: My dad, mechanic, and myself at the tracks—Johnny now added to that. And then at home my girlfriend, who helps with stuff away from the track, and my agent, Lucas Mirtl, who is more of a best friend. I have great friends around the world that I stay in contact with also.
JL: Dad, Mum, Hunter, Heiko, Rene, Johnny, Lucas, and Shimoda.

How bad do you want it? It can relate to everything. It keeps it simple and is easy motivation.

Go fast.