he team at Milestone Games invited us to attend a test of the new MXGP 2019 – The Official Motocross Videogame and enjoy a ride session in Austria, and although I might be better at one than the other, I actively participate in both. Being a notoriously picky eater in a foreign country, when I saw wiener schnitzel on the menu at the press junket, my fear of starvation turned into bliss. Turns out, authentic wiener schnitzel in Austria is not a giant beef hot dog smothered in ketchup, mustard, relish, and other condiments; to my surprise, it’s a thin, breaded, pan-fried veal cutlet served with a side of parsley potatoes. Needless to say, it was delicious, and I ordered that dish four more times throughout the trip. Early the next morning, the entire crew that had been invited hopped on a private bus and headed five minutes down the road to the KTM headquarters in Mattighofen, where we checked out the KTM E-Cross center, where a fleet of electric motorcycles awaited us to ride on their private motocross track.
Once we had our fill, we boarded the bus once again for the KTM Motohall. Imagine a museum filled with the entirety of KTM’s racing history, and even its future, from some of the first models ever raced to concepts that never hit the road or dirt. I won’t ruin the surprise, but at the end of the tour, you enter a room filled with the bikes, gear, and videos behind all of KTM’s achievements. For any self-respecting moto enthusiast, this is a must-see destination.
The last stop of the day was the KTM Factory, where the actual bikes are assembled. Unfortunately, no cameras were allowed, as the building is filled with trade secrets. Just know, KTM takes their work very seriously. We eventually made it back to Salzburg, where I remained for a few days more to be a tourist, play video games, and indulge in all the wiener schnitzel I could before heading back home. Check out my review of MXGP 2019 – The Official Motocross Videogame on page 60.