

Who would play you in a movie?
DK: A troublemaker.
DB: Steve McQueen.
Greatest accomplishment?
DK: My kids and 20 years of marriage.
DB: Raising my two kids by myself.
Which one of you could destroy a golf cart faster?
DK: I could.
DB: Donnie.
Most ridiculous person in the pits?
DK: Tomac’s bus driver, Kyle Stone.
DB: Kyle Stone.
Most useless item in the cab?
DK: The double bunk bed.
DB: The logbook.
Biggest rival?
DK: Kawasaki. Eli rode a Honda before Kawasaki!
DB: Mike Sprake.
Whose ass would you like to kick?
DK: No one’s.
DB: Kim Jong-un’s.
Biggest surprise of the summer
so far?
DK: My friend Joe surprised me with apple pie for my birthday.
DB: Cooper Webb not winning a national yet. [Ed. note: This interview was conducted before Spring Creek.]
Ever gotten in a fight with another driver?
DK: No.
DB: No.
Easiest National track for parking?
DK: WW Ranch in Florida.
DB: Colorado.
Least favorite National track for parking?
DK: Colorado’s asphalt chips.
DB: Fox Raceway.
Weirdest landmark you drive by?
DK: Dumb colored rocks on the way to Vegas.
DB: The Lincoln statue in Wyoming.

I’m a roller skate demon!”—DK
Favorite mistake?
DK: There was a water-hose incident with KTM Don in Washougal. We became good friends afterward.
DB: Coming to work!
Proudest moment?
DK: Graduation with both of my kids.
DB: When my daughter graduated college.
Most annoying thing about each other?
DK: We’re both hard-headed.
DB: I don’t like onions.
Ever spent the night in jail?
DK: No.
DB: No.
Best nickname in motocross?
DK: Ronnie Mac.
Hidden talent?
DK: I’m a roller skate demon!
DB: None.
Best part of being a professional driver?
DK: Being able to view the country.
DB: To be able to travel through so many states.
Worst part of being a professional driver?
DK: Traffic.
DB: We’re on the road over 200 days a year.
What does racing need more of?
DK: Fun centers for kids.
DB: More weekends off.
Favorite person in the pits?
DK: Ted Parks.
DB: John Ayers.
One place you would like to travel to?
DK: Hawaii.
DB: Vietnam.
Favorite drive of the year?
DK: Washougal.
DB: From Millville to Washougal.
Least favorite drive of the year?
DK: Washougal to New York.
DB: New Jersey to Las Vegas.
Favorite sport other than MX?
DB: Baseball.

We’re on the road over 200 days a year.”—DB
Favorite non-energy drink?
DK: Sweet tea.
DB: Milk.
Best place to eat while on the road?
DK: Del Taco.
DB: Del Taco.
Favorite off-season activity?
DK: Fishing with my son and roller skating with the family.
DB: Going to my house in Connecticut.
Best hotel chain?
DK: Hilton.
DB: Marriott.
Worst hotel chain?
DK: Motel 6.
DB: Motel 6.
First job?
DK: Wienerschnitzel.
DB: I worked on a dairy farm.
Funniest travel story?
DK: Five transporters were once stopped in Washington because the state trooper was a fan!
DB: None come to mind.
Weirdest job you’ve ever had?
DK: Hauling human doo-doo!
DB: None come to mind.
How often are you tempted to move cars out of the way that cut in front of you?
DK: Every time.
DB: Never.
Favorite non-swear word?
DK: Jesus!
DB: I don’t care.
If you found $1,000 on the street and had to spend it, what would you do with it?
DK: I’d buy my family souvenirs.
DB: I’d buy a Colt 1911 .45 caliber pistol.
Who has inspired you the most?
DK: Big B.
DB: My parents.
Who’s in your regular crew?
DK: Oscar, Rooster, Masa, Laes, and Spraker.
DB: Donnie and Mike Sprake.

Live each day like it’s your last.

Never apologize.