


Greatest accomplishment?
JR: That’d be my last race, winning Loretta Lynn’s.
RR: Winning the Daytona Supercross in 1987.
Which one of you could change an air filter faster?
JR: My mechanic is the best at that!
RR: Probably Jeremy if I let him change a filter.
What do you look forward to most on race day?
JR: Mostly the competition on the racetrack.
RR: Figuring out what we need to change to try to win.
Most common bike part you break?
JR: I go through brakes more than anything.
RR: Cranks on the supermini.
Best part of going to the races together?
JR: Spending quality time with my dad.
RR: Seeing the dedication Jeremy has to do his best.
Worst part of going to the races together?
JR: The worst part is sleeping in the moto van with my dad snoring.
RR: There is no worst part. It’s always better than work.
Angriest you’ve ever gotten at another competitor?
JR: I don’t really get mad at others.
RR: I just get frustrated when parents disrespect their kids. Don’t do that around me.
Any starting-gate rituals?
JR: No.
RR: I’d bang my forearms on the handlebars.
Biggest win?
JR: So far, it’s my Loretta Lynn’s win.
RR: Daytona.
Biggest rival?
JR: Nate Thrasher.
RR: Rick Johnson.
Whose ass would you like to kick?
JR: I don’t like to kick my competition.
RR: I don’t really get mad like that.

The worst part is sleeping in the moto van with my dad snoring.”—JR
Least favorite bike repair?
JR: I don’t care for repairing the crank.
RR: Electrical problems.
One sport you would never try?
JR: Soccer. It’s not fast enough for me.
RR: Basketball. I’m too short.
Favorite sport other than MX?
JR: I really enjoy cross-country mountain biking.
RR: Snowmobiling.
Dirtiest move you’ve pulled in competition?
JR: Probably taking someone out for the win once or twice.
RR: I spent the whole race trying to catch Willie Surratt, and at the end I landed on his handlebar and broke his wrist.
Dirtiest move that’s been put on you?
JR: Getting taken out myself.
RR: In 1986, David Bailey and I battled the whole race at the Japan Supercross. I knocked him down in the race the last time we hit, and after the finish he wheelied his bike into me and knocked me down.
Best nickname in motocross?
JR: Bunk.
RR: Flyin’ Ryan.
Best place on Earth?
JR: The motocross track.
RR: Watching the kids grow up, wherever we are.
Worst crash?
JR: When I broke my leg at Oatfield.
RR: When I broke my hip in Edmonton in 1984.
Favorite riding place as a kid?
JR: I loved riding Hollister Hills every weekend.
RR: Out in the hills off Highway 5. We’d just make a hole in the fence and go.
Favorite store?
JR: My favorite store would have to be Target.
RR: Any store you can drive through.

I spent the whole race trying to catch Willie Surratt, and at the end I landed on his handlebar and broke his wrist.”—RR
Biggest racing-related frustration?
JR: Riding injured and not to my full potential.
RR: I had the overall wrapped up in 1986 in Axton, Virginia, and my air filter fell off with a couple turns left.
Favorite television show?
JR: Family Guy.
RR: I don’t really watch TV.
Proudest moment?
JR: Having the fastest lap times in Europe at the Junior World Championship.
RR: Jeremy winning at Loretta’s. It’s crazy he got through it and won it after breaking his leg. He couldn’t even stand up when it was time to race the regional.
Least favorite form of exercise?
JR: Right now it’s running, because my leg is injured.
RR: Running.
Childhood hero?
JR: Ryan Dungey.
RR: Bob Hannah.
Best thing about motocross?
JR: Being around my moto family.
RR: All the people and everyone growing together—the whole moto family side of things.
How much horsepower did your race bike have?
JR: I really don’t remember.
RR: I don’t know, maybe 10 or something like that. It was a little flat track bike.
How much did race gas cost when you first started racing?
JR: I don’t remember.
RR: For $155 you could buy 55 gallons.
Worst thing about motocross?
JR: Missing out on a lot of things that happen at school because of motocross trips, but I wouldn’t trade motocross for anything. I love it.
RR: Losing.
Best Christmas present?
JR: A motorcycle.
RR: An RM100 in 1978.

Be true and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ will be true and believe in you!

Give it your all, that’s all you can do.