5 Things We Like About
Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 2 | BY CHASE STALLO
n February, Milestone released Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 2, which focuses on the 2018 Monster Energy AMA Supercross season. Here are five things we liked about the second iteration of the game.
The gameplay is certainly different than the first edition, and the changes have really added to the user experience. One major difference we noticed is the use of the clutch. YOU DON’T NEED IT! Which, for people who actually ride, is difficult to get accustomed to. The jump physics have also improved. There is definitely less of a feeling of floating through the air, and the bike feels heavier. Cornering is much different as well—you need to hit your marks perfectly, use throttle control, and slow down to go fast. A much more realistic experience. The whip/scrub technique certainly could still use some work, but the gameplay is much better overall this time.
2. Customization
Milestone says there are over 3,000 customizable options in the second game. You have more options in regard to your rider—from height and weight to name and number size and more. The additions are great and really allow you to personalize your look. There are also tons of options to customize your gear, helmet, goggles, boots, neck brace, and bike parts.
3. New Career Mode
While the new career mode could certainly use some upgrades, it’s a step in the right direction. Now you can plan your week, choosing to focus on workouts, rider challenges, fame activities, sponsor days, and rest days. The fame activities—either meeting with the press or the fans—needs work, as it’s just a screen that either shows media asking questions or your rider sitting in a press conference or posing with your bike. Still, the training and challenges are pretty cool and a nice addition.
4. Track Editor
Personally, I’m terrible at the track editor. I can’t figure it out! But the fact that other people are good at it means I get to enjoy their tracks.
5. The Compound
A new addition to the game is the Compound, where you can hone your skills. It features three different SX tracks and one motocross track, which really helps, especially for beginners.