Time to face off!
TT: Justin Timberlake, obviously.
AB: Christian Bale.
TT: Thad Duvall. Pre-race nerves.
AB: Mitch Payton always does.
TT: Aside from my Little League MVP and my 6-year-old fishing derby win, I’d have to say landing a smoke-show wife.
AB: Being part of the winning 2019 ISDE team. Also, all of the X-Games medals I was part of, I was top privateer mechanic in SX and MX and the amateur championships. Too hard to name just one!
Which one of you could destroy a golf cart faster?
TT: Bauer, 100 percent. He is a terrible driver. The fact that he makes it to work every day in one piece is a true shock.
AB: Me, hands down. I’ve got
that covered.
TT: All who attend Howard’s Hole in Snowshoe, West Virginia.
AB: In moto it’s Dennis Stapleton. Dude has done about everything. GNCC, Steward Baylor Jr.
TT: Everything. He breaks things that I didn’t know were breakable.
AB: Radiators.
TT: Needing to get a hold of him during hunting season.
AB: He’s not picky about looks when I make it shine.
Gnarliest part of GNCC racing?
TT: The conditions and the pace. Those guys are so gnarly. It’s hard to describe—you have to just experience it.
AB: The small lines the riders make in between trees look so fast and easy.
TT: From what I’ve seen in videos, a weekend at Pastranaland.
AB: Go to Snowshoe GNCC. It beats any mud moto!
Favorite obstacle?
TT: A nice par 4 with a dogleg left. Yup, that’s my jam.
AB: Trying to get Tanner to let me drive the rental car. He says I’m a bad driver.
Whose ass would you like to kick?
TT: Right now? The salespeople who keep calling me.
AB: Any ex-rider or team who owes me money.

TT: No, but I tell Bowser [Bauer] all the time that we should. He couldn’t handle it.
AB: Kinda. I grabbed a mechanic’s arm when I tried to pit-board my rider during a supercross main. He put his arm up in front of me as my rider was coming. His rider was about seven spots behind my rider. I told him if he did it again it would be hard to put the board out when he was laying in the middle of the track. He did apologize.
Least favorite bike repair?
TT: Not a huge fan of rebuilding brake systems. Lucky for me, Thad is really hard on brakes, so I get to do it all the time.
AB: Mid-race-day engine swaps are awful.
Favorite mistake?
TT: I had a harness issue years ago that has turned into me rebuilding all of my harnesses for all practice and race bikes. Sounds nerdy, but my harnesses are pretty rad.
AB: I take mistakes badly, and they eat at me deeply.
Best nickname in racing?
TT: Dezert Dawg. Goes with my lack of moto skills.
AB: The Intimidator or Showtime.
Best place on Earth?
TT: Home with family and friends, or a golf course on a nice sunny day with family and friends.
AB: Coronado by San Diego. Part of the reason I moved to SoCal.
Worst place on Earth?
TT: California.
AB: Airports or closed-door meetings with Timmy.
TT: Glen Helen in 2010 when I broke
my back.
AB: When I was working for James Povolny, his track had this ditch double jump. Well, a double for him—I would scrub it as best I could. He was standing there watching me and I brain farted and half-scrubbed and half “I’m gonna double!” Front end pushed out and my body slammed the face of the landing.

TT: I left Bauer at the hotel one morning and told him to figure out a ride to the airport.
AB: I was driver/mechanic in the TiLube show hauler for Ben Evans one summer, and it was late and I hit a gas station cement pillar when pulling out. It cleaned off the water-hose end for the pressure washer, and when I got to Lowe’s another driver and I bought a pack of colored Sharpies trying to color in the scrapes after I fixed the broken end. Sharpies on vehicle wraps don’t work, FYI.
Most annoying thing about each other?
TT: He always goes for his 5 or 3 wood, and when he completely shanks it, he gets so mad. It’s so funny but annoying. I think he has hit those clubs successfully maybe once.
AB: Tanner is perfect—just watch the episode of “The Track” on Fly Racing’s IG. Insert eye-roll.
AB: History. I love learning about our country’s past, especially after driving through 46 different states.
First job?
TT: Bad Bonz motorsports.
AB: I made pizza at the gas station next to my house.
How many tattoos do you have?
TT: Zero.
AB: My right arm has a half sleeve.
Favorite non-swear word?
TT: Neato!
AB: Son of a biscuit.
If you found $1,000 on the street and had to spend it, what would you do with it?
TT: I would blow it on golf crap or a new everyday-carry pistol.
AB: I’d buy new golf clubs.
Who’s in your regular crew?
TT: My crew pretty much consists of my coworkers.
AB: Sean Hamblin, Matt Buyten, Brian Harrison, Pat Thrall, Mitchell Harrison, Randy Mennenga, and Robby Kendall.

You’re never wrong to do the right thing.

The good lord will always provide.