Transworld Motocross might not be around anymore, but that doesn’t mean the people who were responsible for creating its content are gone too. In fact, we’re featuring two of them, Michael Antonovich and founder Donn Maeda, in this month’s 2 Tribes. If you like what you see, head over to swapmotolive.com for more.



Transworld Motocross might not be around anymore, but that doesn’t mean the people who were responsible for creating its content are gone too. In fact, we’re featuring two of them, Michael Antonovich and founder Donn Maeda, in this month’s 2 Tribes. If you like what you see, head over to swapmotolive.com for more.
DM: Jackie Chan.
MA: Michael Cera.
Last person who made you nervous?
DM: My investor’s wealth manager.
MA: Donn.
Greatest accomplishment?
DM: Raising two amazing daughters with my beautiful wife.
MA: Self-realization.
Angriest you’ve ever gotten with each other?
DM: When Anton first started, he showed up at A1 press day thinking a media pass would be magically waiting for him without filling out an application!
MA: In our office before a meeting in 2014. We’re good now!
DM: Jackie Chan.
MA: Michael Cera.
Last person who made you nervous?
DM: My investor’s wealth manager.
MA: Donn.
Greatest accomplishment?
DM: Raising two amazing daughters with my beautiful wife.
MA: Self-realization.
Angriest you’ve ever gotten with each other?
DM: When Anton first started, he showed up at A1 press day thinking a media pass would be magically waiting for him without filling out an application!
MA: In our office before a meeting in 2014. We’re good now!
DM: I’ve almost died in one before. No more golf cart horseplay for me.
MA: I could if it was an accident. Donn could on purpose.
Most useless item in your garage?
DM: I bought a Ski Erg after watching Christian, Cole, and Adam use one. I smashed a session the day it arrived and almost died. It’s for sale.
MA: I don’t have a garage!
Whose ass would you like to kick?
DM: David Pecker’s.
MA: My own from 2011 to 2016.
One sport you would never try?
DM: Curling.
MA: Rugby. I’d get messed up.
DM: I’ve almost died in one before. No more golf cart horseplay for me.
MA: I could if it was an accident. Donn could on purpose.
Most useless item in your garage?
DM: I bought a Ski Erg after watching Christian, Cole, and Adam use one. I smashed a session the day it arrived and almost died. It’s for sale.
MA: I don’t have a garage!
Whose ass would you like to kick?
DM: David Pecker’s.
MA: My own from 2011 to 2016.
One sport you would never try?
DM: Curling.
MA: Rugby. I’d get messed up.
DM: Mountain biking, duh!
MA: MotoGP or World of Outlaws sprint cars.
Most memorable reporting gig you’ve ever had?
DM: They have all been amazing.
MA: My first race report: 2009 at the Indianapolis Supercross.
Proudest moment?
DM: Thus far, watching my oldest daughter, Samy, graduate college in 3.5 years.
MA: Getting married and discovering life with Megan.

One thing you wish you could change about the motorcycle industry?
DM: The riders should be paid more. The journalists, too!
MA: More positivity by all involved would go a long way.
Ever spent the night in jail?
DM: Does the Disneyland Detention Center count? Grad night got silly.
MA: No, I was really good at getting away.
Dirtiest move you’ve pulled in competition?
DM: I slammed the shit out of Dommer at Perris once, but hey, a steak dinner was up for grabs.
MA: I took out a few front wheels in the novice class.
Dirtiest move that’s been put on you?
DM: When Transworld Motocross was shut down without warning.
MA: A couple people have taken out my front wheel in the novice class.
Favorite non-motocross Website?
DM: Specialized.com.
Best place on Earth?
DM: My house, when everyone is home.
MA: Home in Illinois, any pro race, or a cafe in Europe.
First job?
DM: Pasadena Honda Motorcycles, parts counter.
MA: Working the family business as a little kid.
If you weren’t in the motocross industry, what would you be doing?
DM: I honestly have no idea. Dirt bikes are all I’ve known.
MA: Helping with the family business or teaching high school.
One thing you wish you could change about the motorcycle industry?
DM: The riders should be paid more. The journalists, too!
MA: More positivity by all involved would go a long way.
Ever spent the night in jail?
DM: Does the Disneyland Detention Center count? Grad night got silly.
MA: No, I was really good at getting away.
Dirtiest move you’ve pulled in competition?
DM: I slammed the shit out of Dommer at Perris once, but hey, a steak dinner was up for grabs.
MA: I took out a few front wheels in the novice class.
Dirtiest move that’s been put on you?
DM: When Transworld Motocross was shut down without warning.
MA: A couple people have taken out my front wheel in the novice class.
Favorite non-motocross Website?
DM: Specialized.com.
Best place on Earth?
DM: My house, when everyone is home.
MA: Home in Illinois, any pro race, or a cafe in Europe.
First job?
DM: Pasadena Honda Motorcycles, parts counter.
MA: Working the family business as a little kid.
If you weren’t in the motocross industry, what would you be doing?
DM: I honestly have no idea. Dirt bikes are all I’ve known.
MA: Helping with the family business or teaching high school.
DM: Any airport that you’re stuck in.
MA: Any airplane seat when you’re holding in a pattern.
Which one of you has more bike skill?
DM: Please. I’ve lost more speed than Anton will ever have!
MA: Donn. I’m forever chasing after him.
DM: Any airport that you’re stuck in.
MA: Any airplane seat when you’re holding in a pattern.
Which one of you has more bike skill?
DM: Please. I’ve lost more speed than Anton will ever have!
MA: Donn. I’m forever chasing after him.

Favorite motocross movie of all time?
DM: Winners Take All.
MA: Motocrossed. It was my first glimpse of the “real” motocross lifestyle.
Most annoying thing about you?
DM: I fart. A lot.
MA: “I know,” or not fulfilling my responsibilities until people freak out.
Most annoying thing about each other?
DM: Anton has a tendency to overpromise and volunteer for shit because he is a nice guy.
MA: We both tend to push things off until the last minute.
What do you admire most about each other?
DM: I admire the amazing transformation Anton has made through the years. There was a time when I wanted to beat him up and fire him, but now there’s no one I’d rather work with.
Favorite motocross movie of all time?
DM: Winners Take All.
MA: Motocrossed. It was my first glimpse of the “real” motocross lifestyle.
Most annoying thing about you?
DM: I fart. A lot.
MA: “I know,” or not fulfilling my responsibilities until people freak out.
Most annoying thing about each other?
DM: Anton has a tendency to overpromise and volunteer for shit because he is a nice guy.
MA: We both tend to push things off until the last minute.
What do you admire most about each other?
DM: I admire the amazing transformation Anton has made through the years. There was a time when I wanted to beat him up and fire him, but now there’s no one I’d rather work with.
MA: His drive. Donn gets things done, no matter what. He’s exactly the person I thought he was when I would read TWMX from 2001-2008.
Favorite national track?
DM: I’ve always enjoyed Washougal for multiple reasons.
MA: Washougal.
Favorite non-swear word?
DM: Family.
MA: Dawg.
Best advice for aspiring journalists trying to break into the motocross media?
DM: Any monkey can shoot a photo or edit a video thanks to modern technology. The ability to write creatively and properly is a skill that is rare and coveted.
MA: Learn to write, treat everyone with respect, and care about what you do.
Childhood hero?
DM: My big brothers, of course, and Jimmy White, a Kawasaki three-wheeler racer.
MA: Travis Pastrana.
Words to live by?
DM: Try Hard.
MA: Don’t worry about it.
MA: His drive. Donn gets things done, no matter what. He’s exactly the person I thought he was when I would read TWMX from 2001-2008.
Favorite national track?
DM: I’ve always enjoyed Washougal for multiple reasons.
MA: Washougal.
Favorite non-swear word?
DM: Family.
MA: Dawg.
Best advice for aspiring journalists trying to break into the motocross media?
DM: Any monkey can shoot a photo or edit a video thanks to modern technology. The ability to write creatively and properly is a skill that is rare and coveted.
MA: Learn to write, treat everyone with respect, and care about what you do.
Childhood hero?
DM: My big brothers, of course, and Jimmy White, a Kawasaki three-wheeler racer.
MA: Travis Pastrana.
Words to live by?
DM: Try Hard.
MA: Don’t worry about it.
My first boss, Jack Mangus. He kicked my ass on the daily at Cycle News, but he instilled in me a work ethic that is still with me to this day.

My parents. Mike and Jenny did everything for my brother and me.