2 Tribes
Tom Journet

You could argue that riders today don’t have as much fun off the bike as they used to—and you’d probably be right. But Tom Journet, Matt Rice, and Jason Anderson, who make up Team Fried, are working to change that with their hilarious YouTube vlog. If you haven’t checked out Team Fried, drop what you’re doing and take a look—then come back and see how Rice and Journet compare in this month’s 2 Tribes.
Matt Rice

Tom Journet

Matt Rice

You could argue that riders today don’t have as much fun off the bike as they used to—and you’d probably be right. But Tom Journet, Matt Rice, and Jason Anderson, who make up Team Fried, are working to change that with their hilarious YouTube vlog. If you haven’t checked out Team Fried, drop what you’re doing and take a look—then come back and see how Rice and Journet compare in this month’s 2 Tribes.

Who would play you in a movie?
TJ: Jonah Hill.
MR: That’s impossible. Denzel Washington is my favorite actor. I just wanna watch more Denzel movies!

Last person who made you nervous?
TJ: Jason.
MR: Literally every pro skater. I fan boy.

Which one of you could destroy a golf cart faster?
TJ: Definitely Matt.
MR: Probably me. I go crazy in golf carts and pit bikes and wreck a lot.

Best part of working together?
TJ: We’re always motivating each other to create content.
MR: I guess consistency, but then again, we get pretty random and make last-minute plans.

Worst part of working together?
TJ: We’re always together.
MR: Making last-minute plans.

Angriest you’ve ever gotten with each other?
TJ: Jason and Matt like to hide my things around the house, and one time we got into a pretty heated fight over it.
MR: I get pretty heated when Tom thinks he’s the best at VR shifter karts. I’ll put in serious time to beat his fast laps.

Which one of you is the most “fried” at any given time?
TJ: For sure me.
MR: We’re all fried in our own special ways.

If Team Fried had a mascot, who, or what, would it be?
TJ: I liked the Friedzilla Godzilla art Matt created. He’d probably wear the costume too.
MR: I feel we’re the mascots. I’m buying a T-shirt cannon for everyday use.

Whose ass would you like to kick?
TJ: Jason’s.
MR: Ron. . . .

Best Fried video?
TJ: I really enjoyed making Washougal.
MR: It’s like asking which of your own kids you love the most. I won’t do it.

Getting fired at my first job to go film at the Vurb Classic with Wes and the boys.” —TJ


Worst Fried video?
TJ: All of them were good this year, but I feel like Unadilla should’ve been a little wilder. It was pretty mellow this year.
MR: I will say which kids suck the most: the Pala vlog. I had food poisoning and missed meeting Baylon. Video was still good, but I missed being at the race.

Biggest surprise of the summer?
TJ: Getting the OK for Team Fried from almost everyone in the industry.
MR: The RedBud fans wylin’ out about Team Fried.

Favorite mistake?
TJ: Getting fired at my first job to go film at the Vurb Classic with Wes and the boys.
MR: I left my clothes at home and went on a trip with just my camera gear.

Talent you wish you had?
TJ: Being fast on a dirt bike.
MR: Flipping out of grinds. It drives me crazy.

Hidden Talent?
TJ: I’m bilingual in French and English.
MR: Maybe doing Hank Hill’s voice or doing the water-drip noise. My hidden talents are obnoxious.

Dumbest idea in motocross?
TJ: Getting rid of two-strokes.
MR: Those big shrouds in the nineties that covered the whole motor. Looked super wack.

Favorite motocross movie of all time?
TJ: Terrafirma 7.
MR: I think Terrafirma 7.


Funniest travel story?
TJ: There’s so many! Last month was a good one, arriving with seven Ogio bags between four people sharing the smallest car you could get in Europe.
MR: Probably watching and helping Tom freak out about our flight to Italy.

Funniest Team Fried fan interaction?
TJ: All of them were awesome this year. I enjoyed meeting the ones at RedBud, though.
MR: Probably the Tommy Tenders guys at Unadilla. They were wild.

I feel we’re the mascots. I’m buying a T-shirt cannon for everyday use.” —MR

Proudest moment?
TJ: Having the majority of the RedBud podium chant “Team Fried!” was pretty cool. So was the effect we had on fans out in Europe.
MR: Seeing Jason win a supercross title. Still so crazy to watch it all go down!

Weirdest job you’ve ever had?
TJ: I was a sandwich maker at an Italian deli back in New Jersey.
MR: I drove a tow truck for a couple months right after high school.

Childhood hero?
TJ: I was a big Sean Hamblin fan growing up.
MR: My grandparents.

Favorite National track?
TJ: Washougal is unreal.
MR: Does Loretta’s count? I like shooting Loretta’s.


Best Christmas present?
TJ: Dirt bike!
MR: Definitely my first skateboard.

Favorite non-swear word?
TJ: Yerrr.
MR: Facetious. I don’t really use the word much, but I love that the vowels are in order.

Best part of your job?
TJ: Traveling and being up close and personal with the riders and races.
MR: I get to be around people I like.

Worst part of your job?
TJ: Traveling and editing on the go.
MR: I don’t get to skate six days a week.

Who has inspired you the most?
TJ: Probably the entire Vurb Moto crew back in the day.
MR: Chris Tedesco and Garth Milan. They’re my favorite photographers, hands down.

Who’s in your regular crew?
TJ: Usually Jason and Matt.
MR: Jason and Tom mostly, then Deegs, Gage, Dill, Jared, and everyone at Grindstone, really.


Live like there’s no tomorrow.


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